Crippling traffic jams during the sports events like cricket matches in the megacity Karachi show the negligence of traffic police and poor planning of the city administration, said Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor on Sunday.
Addressing a protest demo in front of the Karachi Press Club (KPC), organised by the PDP, he said that in nowhere in the world citizens face traffic jams during sports events.
He said the Karachi Stadium is situated in the heart of the city, and closing roads around it means paralysing city life.
He said two main hospitals are located on Stadium Road, and road closures and traffic jams on this road have already resulted in deaths due to stoppage of ambulance traffic.
Altaf Shakoor demanded that either the Karachi National Stadium should be shifted to the Northern Bypass or foolproof arrangements should be taken to ensure smooth traffic flow and open roads during the cricket matches in Karachi.